Does the Atonement of Jesus Prove Jesus is God?

An argument one sometimes comes across for the idea that Jesus, a man, is somehow also actually God as well is this:

Only God can atone for sins; ergo Jesus, who atoned for sins, must, in addition to being a man, also be God.

I do not find this argument compelling for a number of reasons. Continue reading

How Did I Get Here?

Recently, an old friend of mine, upon reading some of what I have written on this site, expressed his concern that some of the things I have written are a “departure from orthodoxy.” He asked what happened to me since he knew me last that had led to these views. Copied below are the two emails I wrote him in response to his email. I have edited the emails, removing things of a more private nature. Continue reading

Thomas Jefferson on Jesus vs. Calvin

The following is an excerpt of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waterhouse, written June 26, 1822. In the excerpt, Jefferson contrasts the “simple” teachings of Jesus, which “tend all to the happiness of man”, with what Jefferson describes (rightly, in my opinion) as the “blasphemies”, “deliria”, “horrors” of John Calvin. Continue reading

Andrews Norton on Christianity

Below is what I regard a most apt description of what has happened to the doctrines of the Christian religion as taught by Jesus and those whom he designated his apostles. It comes from the unitarian Christian scholar Andrews Norton (1786 - 1853), one-time professor at Harvard University and author of several books including the classic A Statement of Reasons for Not Believing the Doctrines of Trinitarians: Continue reading

Lecture on “The Divine Nature”

The following is a lecture, which I have abridged and edited, on “The Divine Nature” delivered by Andrew Preston Peabody, an American unitarian Christian minister of the 19th century. Peabody graduated from Harvard University in 1826 at the age of 15, the youngest graduate of Harvard with a single exception. He was pastor of South Parish of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, from 1833 to 1860. From 1860 to 1881 he was preacher to Harvard University and the Plummer professor of Christian morals, and he was professor emeritus from 1881 until his death. Continue reading